When we become out of balance with the field of creation, we begin to decay. We are no longer coordinated with the flow of creation and it begins to wall us off, compacting, even encapsulating energy around our weakest areas until we become sick or dysfunctional and our illness, our dysfunction, continues to deteriorate as blossoming doom. Decay becomes disease and our ultimate consumption from life to nothingness. If we do not become back in tune, in alignment with all of creation, it will consume us until there is nothing left.
When we return back into universal harmonization, there is a momentary bump in our energy system as it reboots. Then, we begin to pulse with the rhythm of timelessness and our healthfulness returns.
Certified Practitioners
Level two Touching the Light Practitioners have dedicated themselves to two years of training and private mentorship with Dr. Meg. All of Dr. Meg's students are given private instruction not only in the Touching the Light processes, but in self recognition and personal growth and life skills as well. They have certified through the level one program and are proficient at addressing the etheric anatomy and its problems and nuances that my be affecting the health or life experience of their clients. They have in the Touching the Light processes. They have also received mentorship for advanced problem areas and practiced in an additional year of intensive training with Dr. Meg. They are adept at finding and addressing extreme dysfunctions in the energy field as well as past life issues, influences from the spirit world, UFO abductions, entities clearing of locations, and other unusual circumstances.
Level Two practitioners are certified by Dr. Meg to perform full hologram Living Light Symbols sessions which are a high frequency initiation and attunements using the Living Light Symbols, which are the language of our Source.
~ Meg Blackburn Losey
Julie Carr
Unlimited You1111
My name is Julie Carr, a native Midwesterner. My journey began when I graduated with a bachelor of science in medical technology, which provided a foundation for me to expand my interests and further develop my skills in multiple complementary health traditions. Later in life I attended massage therapy school where I studied the importance of looking at and understanding the person as a whole.
My desire to shed some light on my own experiences, brought me to study with the past life regressionist and author, Dolores Cannon. During this period of time I also earned a level II Reiki certification which sparked my interest in energy work.
I believe that utilizing a combination of healing methods such as essential oils, herbs and nutrition along with this amazing work, is the most ideal way to create a successful, individualized health plan. I was drawn to alternative healing following my own experience with life-changing health challenges.
Upon completion of Meg’s Blackburn Losey’s Touching the Light practitioner program, I knew that I had finally found an effective method for addressing the deepest level of human struggles. In working with Meg, my own intuitive/empathic abilities have expanded to an even deeper level. Because of my own history, I am passionate about helping others with their own obstacles using this Divinely inspired, heart-based tool.
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